
Volume 39 Number 2
Cover Illustration: Thanks to Manuscripts and Special Collections, The University of Nottingham, for permission to reproduce the cover photograph of Lawrence. The photo was taken on 26 June 1913.
Richard A. Kaye
D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers: The Centenary Conference
Andrew Harrison
"I tell you it has got form--form": Plot, Structure, and Meaning in Sons and Lovers
Seamus O'Malley
"The final aim is the flower": Wild and Domestic Nature in Sons and Lovers
Keith Cushman
Feeling "Oceanic": Civilization and Discontented Paul
Howard J. Booth
"They had met in a naked extremity of hate, and it was a bond": the Later Chapters of Sons and Lovers, Psychoanalysis, and Male-Male Intimacy
Jane Eldridge Miller
"The penumbra of its own time and place and circumstance": Modern Women, the Edwardian Novel, and Sons and Lovers
Robert L. Caserio
Beyond Oedipal Psychology in Sons and Lovers: Lawrence's "Forward" to Being and History
Maria DiBattista
NY Evening Post Article (Aug. 20, 1923)
D.H. Lawrence Sees New Civilization -
Judith Ruderman, Race and Identity in D.H. Lawrence: Indians, Gypsies, and Jews. (Lydia Blanchard)
John Beer, D.H. Lawrence: Nature, Narrative, Art, Identity. (David Ellis)
Lee M. Jenkins, The American Lawrence. (Julianne Newmark)
Elise Brault-Dreux, Le <je> et ses masques dans la poesie de D.H. Lawrence. (Ginette Katz-Roy)
Kirsty Martin, Modernism and the Rhythms of Sympathy: Vernon Lee, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence. (Michael L. Ross)
Julie A. Smith and Robert W. Mitchell, eds., Experiencing Animal Minds: An Anthology of Animal-Human Encounters. (Christopher Pollnitz)
David Bradshaw and Rachel Potter, eds., Prudes on the Prowl: Fiction and Obscenity in England, 1850 to the Present Day. (Michael L. Ross)
Guest Editors: Richard A. Kaye and Keith Cushman