
Volume 38 Number 2
Cover Illustration: This issue features articles that discuss James Joyce, Charlotte Mew, and A.S. Byatt in relation to D.H. Lawrence
Cover Illustration: This issue features articles that discuss James Joyce, Charlotte Mew, and A.S. Byatt in relation to D.H. Lawrence
Earl Ingersoll
D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce: The Odd Couple of Literary Modernism
Jack Stewart
Lawrence through the Lens of A.S. Byatt: The Shadow of the Sun and The Virgin in the Garden
Crispian Neill
"The incident . . . is spoiled inevitable in the telling": Language-Games and Narrative Identity in Charlotte Mew and D.H. Lawrence
Nancy Paxton
Reimaging Melodrama: The Virgin and the Gypsy and the Consequence of Mourning
John Lowe
Looking Over Darroch's Shoulder
D.H. Lawrence, The Poems, Ed. Christopher Pollnitz. (Keith Cushman)
Nick Ceramella, ed., Lake Garda: Gateway to D.H. Lawrence's Voyage to the Sun. (Jack Stewart)
John Worthen, Experiments: Lectures on Lawrence. (Keith Cushman)
Masami Nakabayashi, The Rhetoric of the Unselfconscious in D.H. Lawrence: Verbalizing the Non-Verbal in the Lady Chatterley Novels. (Lawrence Steven)
Nicholas Royle, Veering: A Theory of Literature. (Virginia Hyde)
David Ellis, Memoirs of a Leavisite: The Decline and Fall of Cambridge English. (Keith Cushman)
Patrick R. Query, Ritual and the Idea of Europe in Interwar Writing. (Andrew Keese)
Janet Wilson, Gerri Kimber, and Susan Reid, eds., Katherine Mansfield and Literary Modernism. (Elise Brault-Dreux)
Keith Sagar (at age 79)
James T. Boulton (at age 89)
Gerald Doherty (at age 84)
L.D. Clark (at age 91)
Donald K. Gutierrez (at age 81)
Editor: Eleanor H. Green