
Volume 38 Number 1
Cover Illustration: D.H. Lawrence's plaque on the Sydney Writers Walk at Circular Quay. Writers represented by plaques on Writers Walk include Australians as well as those who lived in or visited Australia 1922.
Michael Ross
Polyglot Perversity: Multilingualism in Lawrence's Brangwen Saga
Hilary Hillier
Community, Family, "Morel": A Dialect Approach to Sons and Lovers
Andrew Harrison
The White Peacock and "The School of Lorna Doone"
Susan Reid
D.H. Lawrence's Angelic Men
Robert Darrock
Looking over Lawrence's Shoulder: Lawrence in Australia and the Creation of Kangaroo
Keith Sagar, "Art for Life's Sake": Essays on D.H. Lawrence. (Bill Harrison)
Peter Preston, Working with Lawrence: Texts, Places, Contexts. (Bill Harrison)
Rachel Gilmour and Bill Schwarz, eds., End of Empire and the English Novel since 1945. (Jill Franks)
Editor: Eleanor H. Green