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Volume 38 Number 1

Cover Illustration:  D.H. Lawrence's plaque on the Sydney Writers Walk at Circular Quay.  Writers represented by plaques on Writers Walk include Australians as well as those who lived in or visited Australia 1922.


  • Michael Ross
    Polyglot Perversity:  Multilingualism in Lawrence's Brangwen Saga

  • Hilary Hillier
    Community, Family, "Morel":  A Dialect Approach to Sons and Lovers

  • Andrew Harrison
    The White Peacock and "The School of Lorna Doone"

  • Susan Reid
    D.H. Lawrence's Angelic Men

  • Robert Darrock
    Looking over Lawrence's Shoulder:  Lawrence in Australia and the Creation of Kangaroo



  • Keith Sagar, "Art for Life's Sake":  Essays on D.H. Lawrence.  (Bill Harrison)

  • Peter Preston, Working with Lawrence:  Texts, Places, Contexts.  (Bill Harrison)

  • Rachel Gilmour and Bill Schwarz, eds., End of Empire and the English Novel since 1945.  (Jill Franks)


Editor:  Eleanor H. Green

Member, CELJ: 
Council of Editors
 of Learned Journals

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