
Volume 31 Number 1
Cover Illustration: Detail of Lady Chatterley's Lover (1983), by Stephen Alcorn. Relief-block print, 13" x 10" (The Alcorn Studio & Gallery).
Simon Casey
The Radical Individualism of D.H. Lawrence and Max Stirner
James J. Miracky
Regen(d)erating the Modernist Novel: Literary Realism vs. the Language of the Body
in D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf
Andrew Radford
Strange Gods beneath the Post-War Rubble in Kangaroo
Virginia Hyde
Review of T.R. Wright,
D.H. Lawrence and the Bible
Jack Stewart
Review of Peter Kaye,
Dostoevsky and English Modernism, 1900-1930
Elizabeth M. Fox
Review of Joseph Adamson and Hilary Clark, eds.,
Scenes of Shame: Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing
And of Peter L. Rudnytsky and Andrew M. Gordon, eds.,
Jack Stewart
Review of Ashok Celly,
Emily Bronte, D.H. Lawrence and the Black Horse
Helen Sword
Review of James Persoon,
Modern British Poetry, 1900-1939
Laurie E. McCollum
Review of Philippa Gregory,
Perfectly Correct
Keith Cushman
Review of Sasha Grishin,
Garry Shead: The D.H. Lawrence Paintings
Editor: William M. Harrison