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Volume 25 Number 1-3

Cover Illustration:  This original "Phoenix" design, created for the DHLR by Russ Kubisiak, is a combination of paper-collage and computer graphics incorporating elements of Navaho textile patterns.  Text "woven" into the background suggests Lawrence's textualization of the American Southwest.

ARTICLES:  (D.H. Lawrence in the Southwest)

Wayne Templeton - "Indians and an Englishman": Lawrence in the Southwest

W.K. Buckley - D.H. Lawrence's Gaze at the Wild West

Margaret Storch - "But Not the America of the Whites": Lawrence's Pursuit of the True Primitive

Duane Edwards - The Problem of Narcissim in Lawrence's Late Fiction

Mark Kinkead-Weekes - Re-Dating "The Overture"

Dan Stiffler - Seeds of Exchange: St. Mawr as D.H. Lawrence's American Garden

Sheila Contreras - "These Were Just Natives to Her": Chilchui Indians and "The Woman Who Rode Away"

Kimberly Vanhoosier-Carey - Struggling with the Master: The Position of Kate and the Reader in Quetzalcoatl and The Plumed Serpent

Rebecca Carpenter - "Bottom Dog Insolence" and "The Harem Mentality": Race and Gender in The Plumed Serpent

Neil Roberts - The Novelist as Travel Writer: The Plumed Serpent

Virginia Hyde and L.D. Clark - The Sense of an Ending in The Plumed Serpent

Earl Ingersoll - Lawrence and Gender: Review-Essay on Linda Ruth Williams, Christopher Craft and David Rosen, Sex in the Head: Visions of Feminity and Film in D.H. Lawrence; Another Kind of Love: Male Homosexual Love in English Discourse; Changing Fictions of Masculinity

Keith Cushman - Considering the Cambridge Edition: Review-Essay of Charles L. Ross and Dennis Jackson, eds., Editing D.H. Lawrence: New Version of a Modern Author



Charles L. Ross - Review of D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, ed. Helen Baron and Carl Baron)

Rick Rylance - Review of D.H. Lawrence, The Fox, The Captain's Doll, The Ladybird (ed. Dieter Mehl)

Peter L. Schillinsburg - Review of D.H. Lawrence, Sketches of Etruscan Places and Other Italian Essays (ed. Simonetta de Filippis)

Charles Rossman - Review of D.H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover (ed. Michael Squires)

Philip Cohen - Review of D.H. Lawrence, Twilight in Italy and Other Essays (ed.Paul Eggert)

Virginia Hyde - Review of D.H. Lawrence, "Quetzalcoatl": The Early Morning Version of "The Plumed Serpent" (ed. Louis L. Martz)

William M. Harrison - Review of D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence: Selected Poetry and Non-Fictional Prose (ed. John Lucas)

P.T. Whelen - Review of D.H. Lawrence, Selected Poems (ed. Mara Kalins)

Wayne Templeton - Review of Brenda Maddox, D.H. Lawrence: The Story of a Marriage

William M. Harrison - Review of Louise DeSalvo, Conceived with Malice

Kym McCauley - Review of John Worthen, D.H. Lawrence

Virginia Hyde - Review of Mark Spilka, Renewing the Normative D.H. Lawrence: A Personal Progress

M. Elizabeth Sargent - Review of Michael Black, D.H. Lawrence: The Early Philosophical Works

George Zytaruk - Review of Kingsley Widmer, Defiant Desire: Some Dialectical Legacies of D.H. Lawrence

Peter Balbert - Review of James B. Sipple, Passionate Form: Life Process as Artistic Paradigm in the Writing of D.H. Lawrence

Keith Cushman - Review of Peter Preston, ed., D.H. Lawrence: The Centre and the Circles

Dennis Jackson - Review of David Ellis and Ornella DeZordo, eds, D.H. Lawrence: Critical Assessments

Michael Bell - Review of Anne Fernihough, D.H. Lawrence: Aesthetics and Ideology

Weldon Thornton - Review of Paul Poplawski, Promptings of Desire: Creativity and the Religious Impulse in the Works of D.H. Lawrence

Janice H. Harris - Review of Weldon Thornton, D.H. Lawrence: A Study of the Short Fiction

James C. Cowan - Review of Kathryn A. Walterscheid, The Resurrection of the Body: Touch in D.H. Lawrence

Sheila Lahiri Choudhury - Review of Sachidananda Mohanty, Lawrence's Leadership Politics and The Defeat of Facism

Dieter Mehl - Review of Ulla-Carina Reitz and Ute Kauer, Dialekt bei D.H. Lawrence [The Use of Dialect in D.H. Lawrence]; Didaktische Intention and Romankonzeption bei D.H. Lawrence [Didactic Intention and the Idea of the Novel in D.H. Lawrence]

Michael Bell - Review of Robert E. Montgomery, The Visionary D.H. Lawrence: Beyond Philosophy and Art

Jill Franks - Review of Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson, Writing Against the Family: Gender in Lawrence and Joyce

W.K. Buckley - Review of Jill Franks, Revisionist Resurrection Mythologies: A Study of D.H. Lawrence's Italian Works

Takeo Iida - Review of Michael Black, D.H. Lawrence: "Sons and Lovers"

John B. Humma - Review of William K. Buckley, "Lady Chatterley's Lover": Loss and Hope

Eleanor H. Green - Review of Earl G. Ingersoll, Representations of Science and Technology in British Literature Since 1880

Camille Roman - Review of Brian Shaffer, The Blinding Torch: Modern British Fiction and the Discourse of Civilization

William M. Harrison - Review of John Beer, Romantic Influences: Contemporary-Victorian-Modern

Caroline Webb - Review of David Trotter, The English Novel in History 1895-1920

Robert Gingher - Review of Randall Stevenson, A Reader's Guide to the Twentieth-Century Novel in Britain

Wayne Templeton - Review of Donald Guittierez, Breaking Through to the Other Side: Essays on Realization in Modern Literature

Jack Stewart - Review of Elizabeth T. Hayes, ed., Images of Perspephone: Feminist Readings in Western Literature

Donald Gutierrez - Review of Sharyn Rohlfson Udall, Spud Johnson and the Laughing Horse

Beth A. McCoy - Review of Lyn Pykett, Engendering Fictions: The English Novel in the Twentieth Century

M. Elizabeth Sargent - Review of Anne Samson, F.R. Leavis

Dennis Jackson - Review of Spike Milligan, "Lady Chatterley's Lover" According to Spike Milligan

Steven Reese - Review of M.C. Rintoul, ed., Dictionary of Real People and Places in Fiction

Jay A. Gertzman - Review of Edward de Grazia, Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Laws of Obscenity and the Assault on Genius

Chuck Stone - Review of Paul Hyland and Neil Sammells, eds., Writing and Censorship in Britain

Contributor's Bios

Index to Volume 25


Editor:  Charles Rossman

Member, CELJ: 
Council of Editors
 of Learned Journals

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