
Volume 27 Number 1,
Cover Illustration: Detail of a previous cover (Vol. 25) designed by Russ Kubisiak and enlarged by Steven Bittick.
Jack Stewart
Landscape Painting and Pre-Raphaelitism in The White Peacock -
Ronald Granofsky
Survival of the Fittest in Lawrence's "The Captain's Doll" -
Joyce Wexler
D.H. Lawrence Through a Postmodernist Lens -
Tetsuhiko Kamimura
A Lawrence Postcard to Katherine Throssell -
William M. Harrison
Checklist of D.H. Lawrence Criticism and Scholarship, 1992-1994 -
Michael Squires
Review Essay on Mark Kinkead-Weekes, D.H. Lawrence: Triumph to Exile, 1912-1922 -
Eleanor H. Green
Review of Dolores LaChapelle, D.H. Lawrence: Future Primitive -
Keith Cushman
Review of Peter Preston, A D.H. Lawrence Chronology and The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature (ed. Jenny Stringer) -
Helena Lamberti
Review of Carla Comellini, D.H. Lawrence: A Study on Mutual and Cross References and Interferences -
Bruce Clarke
Review of Lois Palken Rudnick, Utopian Vistas: The Mabel Dodge Luhan House and the American Counterculture -
James C. Cowan
Review of John V. Knapp, Striking at the Joints: Contemporary Psychology and Literary Criticism -
Dennis Jackson | Lawrentiana
In Memorium | Warren Roberts,W. (Bob) Forster, John Patrick Carswell, and Joyce Ebert
Note to Contributors
Editor: Charles Rossman
Please Note: This issue is out of print.