
Vol 1-24
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Table of Contents for Volume 22.1 (1990)
Gerald Doherty
The Greatest Show on Earth: D.H. Lawrence's St. Mawr and Antonin Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty
Patricia L. Hagen
Astrology, Schema Theory, and Lawrence's Poetic Method
Lynn K. Talbot
Did Baroja Influence Lawrence?--A Reading of Cesar O Nada and The Plumed Serpent
Margaret J. Masson
D.H. Lawrence's Congregational Inheritance
William A. Davis, Jr.
Mountains, Metaphors, and Other Entanglements: Sexual Representation in the Prologue to Women in Love
Jung-Mai Kim
D.H. Lawrence in Korea: A Checklist of Works By and About Him, 1930-1988
Dennis Jackson
Peter Preson
Review of David Ellis and Howard Mills,
D.H. Lawrence's Non-Fiction: Art, Thought and Genre
Ginette Katz-Roy
Review of Jean-Paul Pichardie,
D.H. Lawrence, La tentation utopique, de Rananim au "Serpent a plumes'
Bruce Steele'
Review of Joseph Davis,
D.H. Lawrence at Thirroul
John Worthen
Reivew of Jay A. Gertzman,
A descriptive Bibliography of "Lady Chatterley's Lover," With Essays Toward a Publishing History of the Novel
Paul Eggert
Review of Harold Bloom, ed.,
D.H. Lawrence's "Sons and Lovers"
Laurie White
Review of Claire Tomalin,
Katherine Mansfield: A Secret Life
Editor: Dennis Jackson
Table of Contents for Volume 22.2 (1990)
ARTICLES: (The Otto Gross--Frieda Weekley Correspondence)
John Turner with Cornelia Rumpf-Worthen and Ruth Jenkins
The Otto Gross--Frieda Weekley Correspondence: Transcribed, Translated, and Annotated
(I) Introduction
(A) The Letters
(B) The Lover
(C) The Love
(D) The Beloved
(E) Lawrence and Gross
(II) Gross's Letters to Frieda: The Translations
(III) Frieda's Letters to Gross: The Translations
(IV) Gross's Letters to Frieda: The German Texts
(V) Frieda's Letters to Gross: The German Texts
(VI) Notes on the Letters
(VII) Works Cited
John B. Vickery
Review of James C. Cowan,
D.H. Lawrence and the Trembling Balance
P.T. Whelan
Review of Harold Bloom, ed.,
D.H. Lawrence's "Women in Love"
James E. Evans
Review of Wayne C. Booth,
The Company We Keep: An Ethics of Fiction
Jay L. Halio
Review of Daniel R. Schwarz,
The Transformation of the English Novel, 1890-1930
George Y. Trail
Review of Toni Reed,
Demon-Lovers and Their Victims in British Fiction
Gerald M. Lacy
Review of J.D. McClatchy, ed.,
Poets on Painters: Essays on the Art of Painting by Twentieth-Century Poets
Editor: Dennis Jackson
Table of Contents for Volume 22.3 (1990)
Mark Kinkead-Weekes
The Gringo Senora Who Rode Away
Jonathan Rose
Lawrence for Everyman: An Undiscovered Short Story?
Enid Hilton
Alice Dax: D.H. Lawrence's Clara in Sons and Lovers
Louis Martz
Quetzalcoatl: The Early Version of The Plumed Serpent
Karen Z. Sproles
D.H. Lawrence and the Pre-Raphaelites: Love Among the Ruins
Jack F. Stewart
D.H. Lawrence Conference: Universite' Paul Valery, Montpellier
Brad Howard
Checklist of D.H. Lawrence Criticism and Scholarship, 1989
Kaien Kitazaki
Checklist of Translations of D.H. Lawrence's Works in Japan, 1982-1990
Weldon Thornton
Review Essay on D.H. Lawrence,
England, My England and Other Stories (ed. Bruce Steele)
Dale Kramer
Review of D.H. Lawrence,
Movements in European History (ed. Philip Crumpton)
Duane Edwards
Review of Jeffrey Meyers,
The Spirit of Biography
M. Elizabeth Wallace
Review of Peter Balbert,
D.H. Lawrence and the Phallic Imagination: Essays on Sexual Identity and Feminist Misreading
Elgin W. Mellown
Review of Bibhu Padhi,
D.H. Lawrence: Modes of Fictional Style
Jean-Paul Pichardie
Review of Duane Edwards,
"The Rainbow": A Search for New Life
Editor: Dennis Jackson