
Volume 30 Number 1
Cover Illustration: "Barefooted and with War-Scarred Flag: But Proud in the Knowledge of Duty Done and Victory to Come: 'Belgium' in the Right-to-Serve Procession of Many Thousands of Women." Cover picture from the Illustrated London News 24 July 1915 (No. 3979, Vol. CXLVII, pg. 97).
ARTICLES: (Three on The Lost Girl)
Michael L. Ross
Losing the Old National Hat: Lawrence's The Lost Girl
H.M. Daleski
The Encoding of The Lost Girl
Jill Franks
Myth and Biography in Where Angels Fear to Tread and The Lost Girl
Stefania Michelucci
The Peasants of the Villa Mirenda
Virginia Hyde
Review of Takeo Iida, ed.,
The Reception of D.H. Lawrence Around the World
Judith Ruderman
Review of Barbara Ann Schapiro,
D.H. Lawrence and the Paradoxes of Psychic Life
Peter Preston
Review of Geoff Dyer,
Out of Sheer Rage: Wrestling with D.H. Lawrence
Stefania Michelucci
Review of Sheila Taylor,
On the Trail of the Phoenix: An Adventure and a Meditation
Carl Behm
Review of Doug Geardsley and Al Purdy,
No One Else is Lawrence!: A Dozen of D.H. Lawrence's Best Poems
Khani Begum
Review of Diane Richard-Allerdyce,
Anais Nin and the Remaking of Self: Gender, Modernism, and Narrative Identity
Sheila Lahiri Choudhury
Review of Louis L. Martz,
Many Gods and Many Voices: The Role of the Prophet in English and American Modernism
Martin Kearney
Review R.B. Kershner,
The Twentieth-Century Novel: An Introduction
Christian Moraru
Review of Sam Whimster,
Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy
Joseph Rosenblum
Review of Jay A. Gerzman,
Bookleggers and Smuthounds: The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940